
Welcome to our blog page! You will have the opportunity to share ideas, news, topics, and anything sound/music-related here! If an artist you like just released a new song or album? I want to know! Share with your classmates and peers what’s going on in your soundscape! 

Must be listening to …


Welcome to Music! It’s Language, History, and Culture!

MUSC 1300- TR11(1730)- Fall 2023. Tues/Thursdays from 11:00-12:15 in Whitehead 417 @Brooklyn College Kelsey Milian Lopez – [email protected] This course introduces music cultures from different times, places, and people. We will explore many of the cultural, social, political, and economic processes and issues in which music is implicated. We will also explore the ways that …

History of Music | Textbook

How do we Critically Review Music Textbooks?

A Manuel of Music: It’s History, Biography and Literature- A Complete History of Music, Illustrated with Chronological Charts, including Biographies and Portraits of Eminent Composers with Characteristic Specimens from their Works, Carefully Analyzed and Explained. A Dictionary of Technical and Proper Names with Definitions and Simplified Pronunciations. Chicago 1888 Whoa….. that was the longest textbook …

Sound Gallery

What is a Soundscape?

What is a Soundscape?  Soundscapes: The natural and acoustic environment of space, landscape, or location. In its present state, these are the sounds and silences that are heard in the space. For example: If you live close to the beach, you might hear the sounds of waves and the tides rushing in, seagulls passing by, …


Reggaetón’s shift to Japanese Aesthetics

I am a huge Bad Bunny fan! to the point that I will analyze and dissect everything that man produces. One of my favorite songs is Yonaguni that was released back in 2021 as a single before his Un Verano Sin Ti album. Yonaguni is all about the narrators ex lover, who they are still …